Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Finals are over and I couldn't be happier. Jared and I are pretty sure we both got straight A's. This marriage thing is really treating us quite well. We leave tonight for good ol' sunny/warm/heavenly California. We are flying out to Phoenix the day after Christmas to spend time with Jare's family. We're excited to get out of this cold and head on over to the beach! Goodbye Provo.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Love Story Part 2

Read Love Story Part 1 here.

After Jared came to pick me up from my place, he took me back to his friend's apartment which is when I then realized this was going to be a group date. The date was totally set up for Jared and I because our other two guy friends invited girls that i knew they were NOT interested in. Our good friend, James, is an incredible dancer so he taught us how to bachata which is a very suave Latin dance which requires you to get extremely close to your dance partner. Talk about breaking the touch barrier on the first date. It was extremely warm in their apartment so there was quite a bit of sweat action going on....nothing says I want to date you more than two sweaty people awkwardly dancing close.

Just as a side note...Jared just asked me what I was doing. I told him I was updating my blog about our love story. He asked which part I was at and I told him I was on our first date. This is his version...Quote: "I held you close. We shared a moment together where we sweated". So my version is pretty accurate wouldn't you say?

Back to my version....After we were about done sweating our faces off Jared and James (who also served his mission in Italy) made us some legit Italian spaghetti. SO GOOD. The date ended at about 9:00...talk about an awkward time to end a date. The other two guys took their dates home. Me, trying to avoid the awkward door drop off scene, invited Jared to come over to my place to watch Shark Week....best week of the year. Being the gentleman that he is, he accepted my invitation.

We sat in the small love seat together, shared a blanket even though it was in the heat of the Summer just so we could be close. And that's when the nerves set in. Should I make my  hand available for him? Is it too soon...this is only the first date? So what did I do...perfectly placed my hand on my right leg which was also touching his leg. Then my hand started to get sweaty...but hey we were used to the sweat by now right so not a big deal. And then I sat there and waited...and waited...and waited some more. Then I got stubborn and moved my hand just to see what he would do. And he did just what I thought....placed his hand right where mine was...on his left leg which was also touching my leg. And you know what I did....Nothing. I was not about to make the first move...he had his chance and he just lost it. Yep....we totally played the immature middle school game and I don't even care.

After he left you would probably think I was disappointed that there was no hand holding action but I was actually quite relieved. I wasn't sure how I felt about Jared. I knew he was great, I found that he sweats a lot, and I knew he had a strong testimony but I was staying clear of boys remember? Being arrogant like I was, I was afraid that he wanted to date me and I wasn't sure if I was quite ready for that. I remember talking to my roommate asking her for advice on what I should do. I didn't want to hurt his feelings. I had a fun time with him and I had totally lead him on by making my hand available. I felt stupid. I was dreading the conversation we would have when we would decide if we were going to date and I was going to have to explain to him that I was not interested and that I was sorry for leading him on. The next day on Sunday I received a text from Jared asking if I wanted to go on a walk with him. The symbol for going on a walk only meant one thing...either you were going to express undying love for each other or you would break up. Since we weren't yet dating and breaking up wasn't possible it only meant one thing...

Stay tuned for part 3

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Jared and I were able to fly down to Arizona to spend time with his family during Thanksgiving break....nothing like that 72 degree weather all week long. The trip up to the Salt Lake airport was quite the journey to say the least. We decided to take nothing less than the good old public transportation up there. That's right....2 and a half hours of bus then trax then bus again. I knew I was in for a treat when this was the first thing I saw on the bus...
It was an interesting experience and probably wouldn't want to do it again :) After we got to Arizona it was smooth sailing. There was a TON of wii...hours upon hours of wii. I'm pretty sure my right arm is still aching from the sword fighting.
I'm pretty sure Jared's mom kicked our TRASH at the sword fighting every single time....I still don't understand how she did it. She took on 3 marines.....still kicked their trash. There was no stopping her.

Of course Thanksgiving Day was filled with tons and tons of food and we were lucky to have two of Dallas's marine buddies spend the day with us. Jared was kind enough to go Black Friday shopping with me at midnight! It was his first time doing it and I'm pretty sure he never wants to do it again :) On Saturday we headed down to Tucson to spend some time with the extended Tate family. It was great to see everyone again.

Our Thanksgiving was CONSUMED with sports....but I guess that's what you get when you marry into a family of all boys right? Volleyball....football...basketball (A LOT of Basketball)....ping pong. The sports were never ending. It's a good thing I like them so much and hey, I got my fill of Black Friday shopping so I was happy.
To cap off the whole trip we ended up at the beloved Ostrich farm. That place was smart to start you out slow....we started out feeding the donkeys. Those things did absolutely nothing. They ate maybe one pellet of food we gave them.

Then we headed on to the deers. Those things were a little more pushy...poking their heads through the gate. You can see I wasn't too fond of the whole idea....
Then we moved on to the goats....those things were feisty.

And then we moved on to the dreaded ostriches. Those things were deadly...no joke. Look at that thing just peering over the wall....You could already tell it had something up it's sleeve....if it had sleeves...
They would peck SOOO fast at our cup. I tried to throw a few pellets at them from my cup and ended up throwing my whole cup. Here's a little video of Jared. It's not every day that you get bit by an ostrich.
After the ostriches we moved on to the bird cage. I unfortunately did not take any pictures of this place because I was SWARMED with birds. They give you a cup of nectar and those dang birds literally ripped the cap off the cup of my nectar and started landing on me. All I have to say is I didn't realize how much I don't like birds. I hated every second of it. There was a good mixture of tears and laughter. I'm grateful for my in-laws and for them putting up with through that whole ostrich farm.

Overall it was an awesome trip. Jared and I had so much fun and it was great to spend more time with my in-laws. Happy Thanksgiving everyone. Now it's time to set up for Christmas!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Cardigan Giveaway

Check out elleapparel.blogspot.com to enter in a giveaway! Super cute cardigan!