Thursday, March 28, 2013

To the man who shook his head

Last night I went for a run outside since the weather has been gorgeous. I was at a stop light waiting to cross when I saw a man in a car staring at me and then he just shook his head and drove off. My immediate thought was, did I just offend him with the way I scratched my forehead? No that must not be it because that would be silly. For the remainder of my run I could not stop thinking about the possible explanations for why that man might have shaken his head at me. I was only in to my first mile out of my 3.5 mile run when this happened so I had quite a long time to think about it.

-Was it the fact that I looked like I was dying since I had just run up this massive hill? Well I'm proud of that because I have never been able to run up that hill without walking until yesterday. I finally did it. I was pretty proud.


-Was it my blinding white pasty arms and legs. I mean, IT IS the first time these babies have seen the sun in about 6 months so that could definitely be a possibility.


-Was it the awkward sweat marks on my pants? Well I'm proud of that too because I worked my butt off yesterday....literally. Because that's where the sweat marks were. (TMI? Yah....probably)

And then I thought....

-Oh my goodness could he tell what music I was listening to? I WAS at that moment being serenaded by Justin Beiber which I guess is something to shake your head at. UNLESS you're listening to "boyfriend" (which I was) and that is definitely never something to shake your head at. Love that song.

I finally realized at the very end of my run what it must have been. I remembered that as I stood at the cross walk I had spit into the bushes. Which I guess isn't a very lady-like thing to do but who cares? We all do it. When you have a brother who is a MASTER at spitting, who would stand in the door way by the side of our house, would spit over the fence and hit the crazy neighbors house right next door, well of course I would ask him to teach me how. And yesterday I did what I had learned many years ago from my brother and I'm not even ashamed. Apparently this guy was. the man who shook his head at me, whatever your reasons may...I am going to continue to wear my sweaty pants, blind the public eye with my pasty skin, allow JB to speak to my soul, and spit my little heart out for everyone to see because that is just how little I care about your little head shake.

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Anytime anyone has every asked me if I would ever run a marathon or half marathon, my immediate response was NO WAY. And then people would say, "Come on. It will be so rewarding to say that you completed one." And my response was always, "No it won't. I couldn't care less about completing one." Jared, on the other hand, has always wanted to run at least a half marathon so anytime our Sister in Law talks about it, he always wants to do it. Last night when we were at the jazz game, Tamara asked Jared if he wanted to run the Utah valley half marathon with her and of course he said yes if he had enough time to train. Then he turned to me and asked if I wanted to train with him to do the half. He must have caught me at a really weak moment because all I said was, sure why not. WHAT???? And then my immediate thought was....oh no....word vomit. I realized what I had committed myself to and said, "if you buy me better running shoes, I will train with you." I said that thinking we couldn't afford new running shoes so I figured it was my automatic out. And of course Jared says, "Oh no problem. I need to get new running shoes too so this will be perfect." WHAT???? So not only did I think we couldn't afford one new pair of running shoes, now we are buying two new pairs? And now I'm running a half marathon. WHAT?? I never thought I would even agree to something like this. I always figured, sure maybe I would do a 10K sometime but I had no desire to do anything more than that. Look at me know. I guess my motivation is that two weeks after the race, Jared and I are going to Mexico for a week so I'm hoping I'll have a rockin' bod by that time. The training starts Here's to 13.1 miles...barf.