Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Anytime anyone has every asked me if I would ever run a marathon or half marathon, my immediate response was NO WAY. And then people would say, "Come on. It will be so rewarding to say that you completed one." And my response was always, "No it won't. I couldn't care less about completing one." Jared, on the other hand, has always wanted to run at least a half marathon so anytime our Sister in Law talks about it, he always wants to do it. Last night when we were at the jazz game, Tamara asked Jared if he wanted to run the Utah valley half marathon with her and of course he said yes if he had enough time to train. Then he turned to me and asked if I wanted to train with him to do the half. He must have caught me at a really weak moment because all I said was, sure why not. WHAT???? And then my immediate thought was....oh no....word vomit. I realized what I had committed myself to and said, "if you buy me better running shoes, I will train with you." I said that thinking we couldn't afford new running shoes so I figured it was my automatic out. And of course Jared says, "Oh no problem. I need to get new running shoes too so this will be perfect." WHAT???? So not only did I think we couldn't afford one new pair of running shoes, now we are buying two new pairs? And now I'm running a half marathon. WHAT?? I never thought I would even agree to something like this. I always figured, sure maybe I would do a 10K sometime but I had no desire to do anything more than that. Look at me know. I guess my motivation is that two weeks after the race, Jared and I are going to Mexico for a week so I'm hoping I'll have a rockin' bod by that time. The training starts now...today. Here's to 13.1 miles...barf.

1 comment:

  1. Ask Doug if he wants to do it. I know he has told me he wants to train to do a race.
