Wednesday, November 16, 2011

I think I wanna marry you...

So I know the song "Marry you" by Bruno Mars is sooooo last year but can you hate me for loving it so much? I'm sure you could but whatever. This song came on pandora the other day at work and I am not one bit ashamed to say that I may or may not have listened to it about 10 times....maybe 15...and you better believe my feet were dancing underneath that desk. I don't think it would've been appropriate for me to break out in my perfect choreographed dance to this song....i wish. Jared showed me this video clip and I nearly cried...maybe because it's a fun way to propose but probably more because I wish I could dance like him.



  1. Oh my gosh! i'm glad I'm not the only one in love with this video! i came across it a few weeks ago and may have teared up a little. Totes presh!! love it!

  2. That was the cutest thing ever!!! I've never hear that song before (I know, I'm lame). Thanks for sharing!
